Monday, July 22, 2013

Learning to accept compliments and an awesome chicken recipe...

So, I've been feeling blue about the weight and if I haven't mentioned it I have plantar fasciitis, so I am stuck wearing running shoes daily. I feel like a total dork. I am not a running shoes kinda girl. I am not a wear the same shoes two days in a row girl. I am a girl with an overflowing closet of shoes. I am a change your shoes in the middle of the day girl. I am a 5 inch heels girl. So, I feel like I am perpetually getting ready to go to the gym.

Anyway, today I am standing in line to get my iced Americano and a total stranger walks up to me and says, "I don't want to be creepy or disrespectful, but I had to tell you that you look amazing." He then walked away. No conversation. No can I get your number. No do you have a boyfriend. Compliment and run. That's what it was, but... it made my day. It wasn't creepy and actually made me stop and put my self-loathing aside for a minute. A stranger thinks I look good and I'm wearing leggings, a sweatshirt and running shoes. Well, OK then.

I simply replied, "Thank you."

Oh yeah and that awesome chicken recipe.

Spinach and sundried tomato stuffed chicken breasts

2 chicken breasts
2 handfuls fresh baby spinach leaves
1/4 cup julienned sundried tomatoes packed in evoo
Goat cheese (optional)

Slice open your chicken breast lengthwise
Stuff with the yummy stuff
Fold the chicken over the stuffing and secure with toothpicks
Put in a greased baking dish
Bake at 375 F for 15-20 min or until cooked through

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