Sunday, November 13, 2011

21 Day Paleo Challenge or Am I Crazy?

So, I never thought I'd be a competitive person, but I am. I guess we all are sort of competitive, no? Or maybe it is just that I'm freakin' stubborn as hell. Yeah, that's probably more like it. I don't like it when people tell me I can't do something or if they have that look in their eye like they doubt my abilities. That is all it takes and I will succeed at whatever it is YOU think I CAN'T succeed at.

This brings me to the Paleo Challenge. Yes, ladies and gents, a competition, of sorts. Let me explain.

I work with a fabulous woman and friend who introduced me to Paleo. She's a wealth of knowledge, which she is willing to share with anyone who wants to know about Paleo, but she isn't pushy about it. Anyway, she being the amazing woman that she is, managed to get 5 co-workers (including me) to join her in a 21 day Paleo Challenge. I know, I know,  you're thinking what the heck does that mean? It means I'm going to kill this challenge - and by that I mean I've got this (see - I am stubborn). It also means that we eat strictly paleo for 21 days, no sugar of any kind (no agave, no honey, no nothing), no grains, no legumes, no dairy, you get the picture. We all put some money into a pot and whoever hasn't cheated by the end of the 21 days (it's on the honor system) gets to split the moolah, and then go drinking and binge eating! Nah - we're going for a spa day.

So, we are officially at day 13. I have only had a hard time giving up my afternoon lattes. I've switched to making coffee in my office and adding coconut milk, not the same, but it works. Oddly, I've lost 5 pounds, which seems weird because I really didn't feel like I cut much out from my normal diet, but I guess the little things add up.

I think this 2 weeks has been harder on the hubby than it has been on me. I can't really eat out because everything has dairy or sugar in it. I had to skip a dinner out with family because I looked on the menu and there was nothing I could eat. Let me pause for a moment as I have a thought:

This isn't really that much different from being a vegetarian. How many times did I go out and I couldn't eat anything more than a salad?

Anyway, it's hard on the hubby. He is trying very hard to be supportive though, so props to him for putting up with his stubborn wife.

Anyway, I do miss a few things. Did I mention the lattes? Yeah, well I miss them. I also was really enjoying Paleo baking, which often includes agave nectar, maple syrup, and honey. I attempted to make brownies tonight without any sweetner - just applesauce (unsweetened) and raw cocao. FAIL - what was I thinking? It tastes like nothing more than raw cacao. Not pleasant. So, back to the drawing board.

One of these days I'm going to create the perfect brownie - chewy, moist, delicious, and paleo. That's the plan, but I think it might have to wait until I can throw a tablespoon or two of some sort of sweetner in there. Although, maybe dates would work - of course I've never actually eaten a date. No, I don't know why - probably for the same reason that I've never actually heard Free Bird. I'm lame?

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